Latest updates
Kashmir Bi-Annual Report
Justice For All Statement on Mass Detentions in Kashmir
Save Uyghur Campaign Remembers Ghulja Massacre
Statement on the passing of Zakia Jafri, widow of MP Ehsan Jafri
Statement on Sadhvi Rithambara’s Padma Bhushan Award
Profile of Muslims in Canada: Challenges & Opportunities
American Muslims 2025: A Brief Profile
Who we are
An NGO with Consultative Status at the United Nations (DPI), Justice for All is a non-profit organization based in Chicago. Incorporated in 1999, Justice For All grew out of advocacy on the human rights abuses in Bosnia and later Kosovo during the break-up of the former Yugoslavia. At the time, it was instrumental in shaping the discourse around the ‘genocide’ debate and campaigned to declare rape as a war crime in international law. Justice For All has a presence via staff & volunteers in Washington DC, New York, Boston, Houston and other locations.
Justice For All is funded by faith community donors who take a keen interest in the furtherance of human rights both, in the United States and outside its shores. Its broad mandate is to educate fellow citizens on human rights and social justice concerns. We provide guidance for action through regular newsletters and extensive media engagement.
What we do
Justice for All operates several campaigns to address issues that do not receive wide international, public and political support. We promote policies that protect religious freedom, address the root causes of mass displacement, and recognize the plight of refugees and forced migrants
A short work summary
Burma Task Force: Since 2012, our focus has been to raise awareness regarding the persecution of ethnic and religious minorities in Burma as the Burma Task Force, supporting a more robust US and international response to the Rohingya Genocide. Since 2017, our Washington DC staff has worked to inform policymakers regarding the persecution and genocidal policies in Burma. Our work has increased humanitarian access and engagement as well as sought to amplify Rohingya voices. We also welcome Karen, Kachin, Shan and other Christian communities that are also persecuted in Burma.
Faith Coalition Against Genocide: In early 2018, we developed an interfaith coalition as the Faith Coalition Against Genocide. We have also increasingly emphasized inter-ethnic solidarity among leaders in the diaspora spanning our campaigns, convening meetings and conferences.
Save Uyghur: To respond to the emerging crisis in East Turkestan (Xinjiang), we developed the Save Uyghur program in early 2019 and helped organize rallies, panels & reports in partnership with Uyghur leadership in the USA.
Kashmir Action: We also organized Kashmir Action seeking a just settlement of the Kashmir crises.
Save India From Fascism: Our multiple reports and educational material raise awareness of the plight of Muslim and other minorities in India. Our Petition asking the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation not to honor Prime Minister Modi gained more than 100,000 signatures. We engage with government officials, both in the United States and Canada (via Justice For All – Canada) and regularly send research memos and policy papers to the relevant agencies. We work with Christian and Hindu partners on a regular basis.
Prisoners of Haqq: This campaign works on prisoners in India, China, Kashmir, and particularly on the plight of Palestinian children.
Through organized advocacy days on the Hill, as well as the help of DC based consultants, we have worked to pass legislation in Congress, and ensured that effective language is included in congressional bills. We have also maintained a regular presence at the United Nations. Using meetings with officials, organizational letters involving Nobel Prize winners and prominent NGOs, engagement with corporations and other means, we strive hard to achive our goals for all campaigns we take up.
Like what we do? Help us do more
To inform, advocate and mobilize for justice, we need your support, skills and effort to create a bigger impact