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India attacks me for USCIRF’s sanctions on India

Assalamu Alaikum

The RSS-BJP led anti-Muslim regime is attacking me, my family, my team and Justice For All.

Look at the infographic below released by the Indian agency. My photo and the Justice For All logo is at the center, while Christians, Hindus, Muslims, Dalits and Sikhs leadership are placed around me. I am honored to be in the company of these honorable human rights leaders. May Allah protect them all.

The Indian government kicked out Amnesty International out of India and now they are after Justice For All.

To answer these fascists, we must increase our work. Please donate today to Justice For All. Their attacks can only mean they are afraid of our work in America to Save India from Fascism, a Justice For All campaign:

Donate Now to Save India From Fascism, Justice For All

Congratulations: USCIRF, for the 4th time, has called for sanctions on India. India’s disinformation agency, appropriately called DisInfo Lab, had timed its attack on me and Justice For All to USCIRF’s call to sanction India during 2022.

India has been attacking Muslims and masjids since the first day of Ramadan. It has demolished 100+ houses and shops of Muslims who tried to protect Masjids from the attacks of RSS-BJP militias while police arrested not the attackers but Muslims. We must speak up against this Zulm:

Donate Now to Save India From Fascism, Justice For All

A highly representative Hindu Parliament attended by powerful Hindu monks and priests have made the following calls last December. They are free training Hindu militias instead of being in prison.

Honest reporters are harassed to the level that Reporters Without Borders has ranked Indian media freedom below Afghanistan and Burma.

Holocaust Museum has now joined Genocide Watch in alerting the world of their responsibility to prevent genocide in India.

Justice For All’s Save India campaign is extremely critical and in need of YOUR support.

Donate Now to Save India From Fascism, Justice For All

Dear friend,

We are free. They are not. We have a responsibility to speak up and protect.

RSS-BJP is going after me and my family. They have issued a 129 page fake report tying me with all the terrorists in the world. But their real aim is to prevent American Muslims from standing up for Indian Muslims. They don’t care for the cries of Indian Muslims, but they are afraid of their reputation in America.

Action Items

Today is another possible night of power, may I request you for three action items:

  1. Dua: Please request imams to include the protection of Indian and Kashmiri Muslims in dua tonight and the night of 27th of Ramadan along with Rohingyas, Uyghurs, Palestinians, Syrians, and Yemenis.
  2. Donate: Say Bismillah and donate today to Save India campaign of Justice For All. We need a million dollars, so far, we have raised less than $100k, which is making RSS-BJP dance, as you can see in this infographic.
  3. Forward:  this email to at least 50 friends with a personal note requesting them to donate and volunteer for Justice For All.

Donate Now to Save India From Fascism, Justice For All

Thank you so much. We will continue our work for freedom, Justice, and Islam.


Your brother in humanity

Abdul Malik Mujahid

p.s. Watch tonight’s Muslim News 9 PM EST. I will be interviewing Nadine Maenza, Chair of USCIRF for Muslim Network TV. It will be on Galaxy 19 Satellite, Apple TV, Amazon Fire TV, Roku, Samsung Tenzin but also on your iPhone. Simply type Muslim Network TV.

p.p.s. Please use the following Whatsapp message to post on your Whatsapp network which our team has prepared.

Whatsapp message to be shared

*Justice For All Attacked by Indian Government* In a 129-page, full of lies, report, the Indian Government is trying its best to discredit Justice For All as USCIRF released its recommendations today for sanctions against India. Justice For All is making a difference and the Modi government knows this. Support Justice For All for the crucial work they do. *DONATE TODAY*:

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