Salaam Alaikum.
Please use these resources to work within your state. See below for a LOCAL action plan.
1) Sample letter to Senator’s offices asking for a meeting
2) Analysis of the proposed bill. Print and take with you for the meeting along with the leave-behind letter below.
3) Action for all constituents and for your congregations, organization members
The URL to send using whatsApp or email is
4) When you go for the meeting with Senator’s offices, take this leave behind letter after modifying and printing
5) If you wish to be a primary part of this campaign, email Rafi Ahmed at rafi@justiceforall.org
Tips for a local plan:
- Organize a conference call about this bill, and get a few masjids of your area together on the call.
- Get your community to make calls to your senators. It is important to generate a good number of calls to the Senators’ offices.
- Please see below for a sample whatsApp/email message.
- Write to your Senator’s offices on an organizational letterhead. Ask for a meeting.
- A sample letter is available HERE. It is preferred to modify. You can use this free AI tool to modify it.
You can find your local Senators’ offices by doing an internet search. Or search here.
Send your modified letter by email/US mail to the offices listed. Call the office also to request a meeting.
NOTE: The meeting will probably be with a staffer. Do not insist on meeting with the Senator since they are often not in the home state, or are simply not available.
4) At the meeting, take a printed copy of the leave-behind letter as well as the analysis. Modify the sample leave-behind letter and print it. Also print the analysis and put them both in a folder/envelope. Please DO NOT modify the analysis document. If you do not agree with our analysis, leave it out of your package, or create your own.
Social Media Tools
Sample whatsApp/Email message for constituents to call their Senator’s office:
Salaam Alaikum: *Defeat Senate bill S.4136; targeting our non-profits*
is designed to *kill opposition to Israel*’s occupation, apartheid, and genocide. Our organizations will be targets. It passed the House & *must be defeated in Senate* at each *State level*.
*CALL your Senators, Click below*
A FLYER is downloadable here asking congregation to call Senators