Uyghurs and other Turkic peoples in East Turkistan (also known as the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous…

Statement: America Must Stand Against Apartheid in Israel
Justice For All strongly condemns the repeated invasion of Masjid Al-Aqsa by Israeli military and illegal Jewish settlers. As an occupied people, Palestinians have a right under international law to resist illegal evictions from the Sheikh Jarrah neighbourhood.
What is happening to East Jerusalem is a textbook case of ethnic cleansing that provides yet another evidence of the charge of apartheid levied against Israel by the Human Rights Watch, as well as Israel’s own human rights organization BtSelem.
Justice For All calls asks Congressional leaders to hold hearings on Israel by inviting B’tSelem as well as Human Rights Watch to understand why they are calling it a crime against humanity.
The United States government must conduct an investigation regarding the use of $3.8 billion annual funding to Israel to commit crimes against humanity and human rights violations.
Justice For All asks all citizens horrified by these events to call their elected leaders inviting them to study the charges of crimes against humanity committed by Israel.
Picture taken by Justin McIntosh, CC BY 2.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons