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International Court Of Justice (ICJ) Requires Burma To Stop Genocide; Burma Task Force Welcomes ICJ’S Provisional Judgement
January 23, 2020
Jeff Philips
The Hague – Today, in an unanimous 17-0 ruling, the International Court of Justice (ICJ) announced provisional measures ordering Burma (Myanmar) to take immediate action to prevent genocidal acts against the Rohingya community. This important ruling requires the Burmese government to prevent and stop genocidal acts by military and police forces, preserve all evidence of genocidal acts, and report on compliance with these provisional measures.”It is a great day for those fighting to prevent genocide in the world. For the first time, the highest court in the world has declared, Rohingyas in Burma must be protected against genocide,” said Burma Task Force Chair Imam Malik Mujahid, speaking from the Hague. “The world now must ensure that Burma abides by this ruling. Burma and Bangladesh both must allow Rohingya the right to education, the right to earn a living, and the right to travel freely as soon as possible.”
According to the UN Charter, judgments of the ICJ are binding, and will be sent to the United Nations Security Council. It is therefore essential that the Council works to ensure Myanmar’s full compliance with the Court.
In this action the ICJ is responding to a request made by The Gambia, which filed a lawsuit at the ICJ on November 11, accusing Myanmar of violating the Genocide Convention for its policies of mass misplacement and atrocities against the Rohingya minority.
Notably, judges from Burma and China both agreed with the unanimous decision of the ICJ.
All 152 states that are parties to the Genocide Convention have an obligation to prevent and punish the crime. The Independent United Nations Fact-Finding Mission on Myanmar (FFM) concluded that Myanmar’s military has committed acts of genocide against the Rohingya minority in Rakhine State and that the government still “harbored genocidal intent.”
Burma Task Force has worked since 2012 to stop genocide in Burma, as a program of Justice for All, the UN-accredited human rights NGO working to address the persecution of minorities in several nations.
“We thank the Court for this important step towards peace and justice. It is time for certain governments to stop making excuses for Burma,” stated Chairman Mujahid. “With hearts renewed with hope, we join with Rohingya and other persecuted minorities of Burma to call on the Burmese people to face their responsibilities for ensuring justice is done for all.”