Washington, D.C. — February 4, 2025 For Immediate Release Contact: Hena Zuberi hena@justiceforall.org (202) 922-5878…

American Muslim Human Rights Group Condemns Attacks by RSS led CAA Supporters Against Peaceful Protestors In New Delhi
February 25, 2020
Zahir Adil
+1 (781) 492-5388
American Muslim Human Rights Group Condemns Attacks by RSS led CAA Supporters Against Peaceful Protestors In New Delhi
(Washington D.C.) 2/25/20 The last two days of attacks in India’s capital city, Delhi, have been horrific. Neighborhoods have been set on fire by militants of the RSS, a Nazi inspired extremist organization. They have beat residents and peaceful protestors while openly singing the religious chants that RSS militants are known for. Muslim houses were marked with saffron flags. Tyre Market, a hub of Muslim owned businesses were burnt to ashes. And all this while the police stood by allowing the attacks to happen.
This is Delhi the Capital, not a remote village. Delhi pulsates with Muslim culture at every turn, through its neighborhoods and alleyways. Hindus and Muslims have lived next to each other for centuries in Delhi. India is home to more Muslims than most Muslim majority countries. Sadly, India is the only country that has two genocide alerts against it, both related to its Muslim population (https://www.genocidewatch.com/countries-at-risk).
Justice For All strongly condemns the attacks on peaceful protestors by RSS militants. We condemn the inaction by the Delhi Police to stop the attackers and recognize this inaction as explicitly supporting the attackers. We also condemn the RSS, the Modi led Government of India, that has slowly been working at disenfranchising Muslims, Dalits and other minorities in India, as they work on creating a fascist Hindu state, in complete disregard of the Constitution of India.
Justice For All calls on every justice loving person and organization in the United States and around the globe to join us in condemning these attacks. “We can not wait and watch as this keeps escalating, not Hindus, not Muslims, nor Christian, Dalit or Jews, certainly not those who want peace, or who wish to do business in India, and nor those who continue to call India the largest democracy,” said Hena Zuberi, Director of JFA DC
Justice for All os an NGO with Consultative Status at the UN, Justice for All is among the only NGOs advocating for the Rohingya at the United Nations. Justice for All works to ensure justice for all Muslim minority groups who have fallen victim to state-sponsored ethnic cleansing, detention and displacement in a post 9/11 world, where counterterrorism measures and Islamophobic rhetoric has led to the genocide of millions of Muslim minorities. Since 2001, Justice for All has advocated for the most vulnerable and forgotten minorities through grassroots education, advocacy, and the mobilization of diverse allies and communities, to take action in the United States.
Download PDF: Press Release JFA Condemns Delhi violence