Washington, D.C. — February 4, 2025 For Immediate Release Contact: Hena Zuberi hena@justiceforall.org (202) 922-5878…

Emergency Press Conference on Delhi Attacks on Minorities During Trump’s Visit
(WASHINGTON, D.C., 2/26/20) – On Wednesday, February 26, 2020, human rights groups will hold an emergency press conference to condemn the rising violence against minorities and peaceful protestors in India and India’s anti-Muslim citizenship law. The attacks on Muslim neighborhoods and businesses in the Indian capital Delhi during President Trump’s visit are extremely concerning.
What: Press Conference on violence against peaceful protestors in the Indian capital, Delhi
When: February 26, 2020, 3:30 PM-5 PM
Where: 1717 Pennsylvania Ave, NW Suite.1025, Washington DC, 20006 (Boardroom)
Who: International Society of Peace and Justice (ISPJ), Indian American Muslim Council (IAMC), Council of Minority Rights in India (CMRI), Justice For All (JFA)
Available for media interviews: Indian American Dr. Rehan Khan, President of the International Society of Peace and Justice.
“Businesses belonging to religious minorities were burnt to rubble while the businesses belonging to Hindus were left intact. This is sponsored by Indian Terrorist Organization RSS supported by the current administration,” said Dr Rehan Khan of ISPJ.
“This is Delhi the Capital, not a remote village. Delhi pulsates with Muslim culture at every turn, through its neighborhoods and alleyways. Hindus and Muslims have lived next to each other for centuries in Delhi. India is home to more Muslims than most Muslim majority countries. Sadly, India is the only country that has two genocide alerts against it, both related to its Muslim population,” said Hena Zuberi, Director Justice For All- DC (https://www.genocidewatch.
Justice For All strongly condemns the attacks on peaceful protestors by RSS militants. We condemn the inaction by the Delhi Police to stop the attackers and recognize this inaction as explicitly supporting the attackers. We also condemn the RSS, the Modi led Government of India, that has slowly been working at disenfranchising Muslims, Dalits and other minorities in India, as they work on creating a fascist Hindu state, in complete disregard of the Constitution of India.
Justice For All calls on every justice loving person and organization in the United States and around the globe to join us in condemning these attacks. We can not wait and watch as this keeps escalating, not Hindus, not Muslims, nor Christian, Dalit or Jews, certainly not those who want peace, or who wish to do business in India, and nor those who continue to call India the largest democracy.
Justice For All Director-DC Hena Zuberi
Phone: 202-922-JUST
Background: For the past three days, India’s capital Delhi has seen targeted violence, triggered by RSS/BJP leader Kapil Mishra’s ‘ultimatum’ to the Delhi Police.
Reliable sources are reporting that at least 50 people were killed and about 150 were injured in the Indian capital, Delhi, during President Trump’s visit to India. US media describing the targeted violence as a “communal violence” or “Hindu-Muslim riots” is inaccurate. It was a pre-planned attack with a three-day notice given by Hindutva militia on a peace camp protesting the controversial Indian citizenship law.
A mosque was burnt down, a cemetery was desecrated. A market of Muslim businesses, Tyre Market, was completely burnt to the ground. Indian Americans fear for the lives of their relatives.