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Burmese policies condemned in Friday vote: Burma Task Force commends United Nations General Assembly for vote
December 28, 2019
More information: Adem Carroll,
UNITED NATIONS, NY – Burma Task Force commends the 134 nations of the United Nations General Assembly that have voted to pass a strong resolution condemning Burma (Myanmar) for its human rights abuses against its Rohingya Muslims and other minorities, calling for an end to incitement to violence, torture and rape.
“This overwhelming condemnation of Burmese government policies towards the Rohingya minority shows a strong global consensus,” observed Adem Carroll, UN Program Director for Burma Task Force programs. “Of course, not all nations are favorably disposed to human rights protections but considering the quantity of evidence gathered by United Nations investigators, one cannot honestly deny the scale of genocidal repression in Burma.”
Burmese policies reflect widespread Islamophobia promoted by Bamar Buddhist nationalists. However, the military’s “clearance operations” also result in massive land confiscation and theft. To restore some measure of justice and peace in the region, it will be necessary to restore Rohingya lands and property as well as citizenship rights. Instead of accepting her responsibilities, this month State Counsellor Aung San Suu Kyi has attempted to defend her government’s policies in the Hague, where her government is charged with genocide in the International Court of Justice.
Because the government of Myanmar (Burma) has yet to resettle even those 120,000 Rohingya displaced since violent programs in 2012, Burma Task Force can find no evidence that the Government has plan to resettle the over one million Rohingya forced out of Rakhine State into Bangladesh following mass atrocities perpetrated by the Burmese military in 2017.
Burma Task Force, a program of Justice for All, an NGO accredited at the United Nations, urges the United Nations to keep “human rights first” in its sustainable development goals. Tensions are growing between economic growth, democratic governance and basic human rights protection.
“With our Rohingya partners and allies in other ethnic communities facing persecution in Burma, our NGO requests the UN Fifth Committee to ensure full funding for the IIMM investigative mechanisms for 2020, “added Mr. Carroll. “Sad to say, we are far from genuine accountability in Burma. As it prepares for elections in the coming year, Burma would be well advised to consider its more life affirming values instead of divisive nationalism and scapegoating minorities for political gain. This would provide a better base for a peaceful future in Myanmar, with justice for all.”
For more information on the work of Burma Task Force please visit: www.BurmaTaskForce.org