Washington, D.C. — February 4, 2025 For Immediate Release Contact: Hena Zuberi hena@justiceforall.org (202) 922-5878…

Statement by Justice For All On The Karakax Report And Research By Dr. Adrian Zenz On The Arbitrary Detention of Uyghurs
Justice For All’s Save Uyghur Campaign applauds the research led by Dr. Adrian Zenz as well as the report by CNN and BBC on the arbitrary detention of Uyghurs. While the research team focused on detentions in Qaraqash (Karakax), Justice For All believe that the same methods of suppression and arbitrary detention of the Uyghur population are used in other parts of East Turkestan (Xinjiang), where the Uyghur form the native population and culture.
China, in simple terms, seeks to eradicate the culture and religious following of the Uyghurs.
As Americans, we have called on our Government to take action against this egregious violation of the fundamental rights of the Uyghurs.
We renew strongly, our call to our representatives and senators, to exercise priority to the UIGHUR Act, to strengthen existing pending resolutions and to pass them into law at the earliest.
We also call on the UN Security Council to send a clear message to China, asking for immediate release of all detainees and to allow free practice of their religion and culture without any state intervention.
- Watched, judged, detained: https://www.cnn.com/interactive/2020/02/asia/xinjiang-china-karakax-document-intl-hnk/
- The Karakax List, by Dr. Adrian Zenz: https://www.jpolrisk.com/karakax/?__cf_chl_jschl_tk__=9bf3b4a4a761c27870432dcf8c86399dfcef0731-1582039783-0-AYJr0Rqn1KPFX9AeiS6CS4-7ohOyHlBc6lmjdmsZbVZVpOHLD1svL3aHeKnJk-oeWxErV4kmBSVt0-ZP8UN_x9Y_UTHStkE5EzcAVIf7D3HxumlTjkm1d_5PN8cQiYMgZkubrwmlMff5gsloEU5